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Mysterious Girl


Right now, you may take a 30 minute introductory session on Zoom for only $30.

Experience MIRRORING PRACTICE with Michael. 

Learn about programs for personal healing or professional development. 

Bridge Over River

“Michael has allowed me to enjoy my healing journey with much more clarity, ease and authenticity. Through solo travel, mirroring communication practice, affirmations and other processes, Michael has allowed me to open up to and own my deepest truths. He is a gifted teacher and a masterful guide.”

- Chad C., Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teacher, 4th degree black belt in Aikido, Dojo owner 

My friend, here's how it works. 

I want everyone to experience MIRRORING PRACTICE with me. And the easiest way to introduce people to the work, no matter where you are in the world, is in a 30 minute face-to-face session with me, Michael Sherman, on zoom. 

- You may be interested in finding a coach, and maybe that coach is me! This zoom session allows us to get a sense of the kind of match we would be and if you are ready for this healing work. Bravo! 

- You may be a leader of people and you are impressed by mirroring and don't know what to do next. Great! This 30 minute conversation will help me to help you see how this work can help you (or your team and organization) in a professional context, and what kind of training is available to support energy, wellbeing, authenticity and empathy at work..

Whatever curiosity you may be having about MIRRORING PRACTICE, the main thing is for you to experience it. I know 30 minutes is all the time I need to give another person a feeling of being seen or sense of relief, an awareness of their emotional energy moving up the scale in the present moment, letting them feel good about themselves and an immediate sense of improved wellbeing. Done!

So what I need you to do next is click one of the buttons on this page and send me an email explaining who and where you are and why you may be interested in an intro session on zoom.

I'll read your words and reply to what you wrote, explaining options about scheduling our zoom session, setting up your $30 payment (best methods of payment are Venmo, Zelle, Cash App and Paypal), and answering any questions you may have about the intro session or mirroring coaching.  

Everything in our email communication is kept confidential. I am the only one who sees these emails. 

So if you are ready, click the button below and let me know why you are interested in receiving an introductory session to learn and experience MIRRORING PRACTICE.

Excellent! Thank you, my friend... 

Confident Businesswoman

"We found Michael to help out with stress dynamics at our station during a time of turbulence and transition. In meetings with our leadership, Michael was able to show us how skills like validation could help us understand our staff better and create more wellbeing in the environment. We began to see new approaches to ongoing, chronic interpersonal situations. We strongly recommend Michael to help you with the issues all leaders face."   
- Jenny Olsewski, General Manager of KIEM & KVIQ TV Stations in Eureka, California


I have developed a 3 session program that teaches the basics of MIRRORING PRACTICE to you and your staff or team via zoom or in person (when possible).

I can explain how this can work for you and your organization when we do an intro session together. But in the meantime, I have a helpful PDF document that goes over the benefits of the Power of Mirroring program for professional development. 

MIRRORING PRACTICE can be learned and experienced in a way that leads to clarity about communication with clients and staff, doorways towards an environment of wellbeing, skills that reduce chronic stress and reactivity, and focused cognitive exercises that help you achieve new awakenings and greater impact in your leadership of those you are meant to serve. 

So get the PDF on the POWER of MIRRORING program in the button below, and then get back to me with your questions, or to sign up for a 30 minute intro session.


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"Whenever I feel I am losing the ability to communicate with someone I remember to use the mirroring techniques I learned from Michael." - Lori S. / Business owner and former coaching client  



Simply click one of the buttons on this page and fill out the Google Form for a FREE 20 minute Zoom or phone meeting with Michael. 


Michael will pick up on the emotional energy below the surface that reveals where you need the most support. 


Not everyone is a fit for the 4 Week Program. There are numerous ways to keep learning and remain connected to this healing energy. 


"Every session I have with Michael is profound." 

- Eddie / Business owner and Coaching Client


Once you complete the FREE initial session and you feel ready to sign up for the 4 WEEK COACHING PROGRAM, you are asked a simple question about receiving this healing, transformational work: "What's in the budget?" 

You get to name the fee for this powerful program for yourself. If your bid fits within the suggested range of the sliding scale, then it will be accepted. The fee scale is fair and reasonable based on market value, needs of the client, corporate versus personal, and what Michael has received in the past for his professional work. Michael has worked with young people just starting out to VIP industry leaders. Every situation is different.   

It's not perfect for everyone. But the 4 WEEK COACHING PROGRAM may be perfect for you. 

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